Melinda Schneider

Love away the night

Melinda Schneider

You're always in the fridge or on the phone 
How the hell would you know, you're never home 
I go to work to keep this family fed 
Good try pal, you won't even get out of bed 

I can't believe you spent that much on shoes 
Look, I got 'em on sale and you'll never know the money I save you 
I s'pose you bought a bag, a dress, and a hat 
Well you've got your race car, wanna talk about that 

You look so darn cute when you get mad 
Melt away my troubled heart and you don't seem so bad 
When I see that twinkle in your eye 
Take the phone off the hook and put the kids to bed 
Forget what we said and Love away the night. 

You're always on the couch watching football 
Bring me a beer and keep it down will ya,I don't wanna miss the score 
Just like you missed our anniversary 
Well I'm sorry babe, you should've reminded me. 

You drive me insane 
Babe don't ever change 
I like you that way