Over time I've been building my castle of love Just for two Though you never knew you were my reason I've gone much too far For you now to say That I've got to throw My castle away Over dreams I have picked out a perfect come true Though you never knew it was of you I've been dreaming The sand man has come From too far away For you to say come Back some other day And though you don't believe that they do They do come true For did my dreams Come true when I looked at you And maybe too if you would believe You too might be Overjoyed Over love Over me Over hearts I have painfully turned every stone Just to find I have found what I've Searched to discover I come much too far For me now to find The love that I sought Can never be mine And though you don't believe that they do They do come true For did my dreams Come true when I looked at you And maybe too if you would believe You too might be Overjoyed Over love Over me And though the odds say improbable What do they know For in romance All true love needs is a chance And maybe with a chance you will find You too like I Overjoyed Over love Over you Assim que o dia amanheceu Lá no mar alto da paixão Dava pra ver o tempo ruir Cadê você? Que solidão! Esquecera de mim? Enfim, de tudo o que há na Terra Não há nada em lugar nenhum Que vá crescer sem você chegar Longe de ti tudo parou Ninguém sabe o que eu sofri Amar é um deserto e seus temores Vida que vai na sela dessas dores Não sabe voltar, me dá teu calor Vem me fazer feliz porque eu te amo Você deságua em mim, e eu, oceano Me esqueço que amar é quase uma dor Só sei viver se for por você