Melancholy Pessimism

Abdominal Orgasm

Melancholy Pessimism

Abdominal orgasm
Disgusting revolting culmination

Edge of an axe falled
on the woman's head
Blood? Beautiful
Who's turn is it now?
Two sweet little girls
A few blows on the kids faces
Then knife opened all bellies
He scattered bowels
with pleasure around
Bowels, liver, kidneys

Abdominal orgasm
Disgusting revolting culmination
Abdominal orgasm
Disgusting revolting culmination

From the pregnant corpse
he pulled out a children
He cutted his belly
And by the limb to the his genitals
By the hole in a belly
he observed this performance
The end? After the several orgasm.

Abdominal orgasm
Disgusting revolting culmination
Abdominal orgasm
Disgusting revolting culmination