Beyond infinity, beyond what can exergy beyond what can be felt, you this, he is Jesus. My life is yours, my world is yours, my being is yours, My story is yours, and all that's left of me, everything is yours, all yours. In addition, your love goes beyond, than all the hate, besides, your love goes beyond, than all the pain, besides, your love goes beyond, beyond infinity. I know all I can see, nothing compared to what you are, my physical structures are not capable, you describe, describe so perfectly. Beyond infinity, beyond what can exergy beyond what can be felt, you this, he is Jesus. My life is yours, my world is yours, my being is yours, My story is yours, and all that's left of me, everything is yours, all yours. In addition, your love goes beyond, than all the hate, besides, your love goes beyond, than all the pain, besides, your love goes beyond, beyond infinity. I know all I can see, nothing compared to what you are, my physical structures are not capable, you describe, describe so perfectly.