I looked for words to express and thank you for your loyalty I found millions of things I give myself, and I bow to your holiness, But what I feel for you, is more than words can say. In the dictionary then I began to seek the most beautiful and beautiful words of love, the most beautiful words of devotion and gratitude, to tell you Lord, But what I feel for you, is much more than words can say. All flow from my eyes tomorrow, And drip all over not my eyes, This fire that enter my eyes, Makes me want to be a child back, I bow before of you, my Deus, you say I love you again. Recognize your care and your glory, Thank you for nothing I feel, every time I want other way Yet he never me love no, When I fell, he gave me his hand, and lifted me, lifted me up. Just your presence Lord, Just your presence Lord, In your presence Lord I am free for love In your presence Lord, In your presence Lord, In your presence Lord, I'm free for love, In your presence Lord, In your presence Lord, in you presence Lord, I'm free for love, In your presence Lord, In your presence Lord, In your presence Lord,