Well it started in a barroom and moved on to a bedroom Now the midnight lovers are strangers on Sunday morning He buttoms his shirt and he rubs his head Looks across at the woman covered up on the bed He walks to the window and stares out at the street And underneath the blanket she slips on her robe Says do you want some coffee he says her no They struggle through a conversation where the eyes never meet Well it started in a barroom... He carefully works on a look of surprise Glances down at his watch and he widen his eyes Says oh my God it's eleven honey I've got to run As he's talkin' he stands up to go She smiles to herself as they walk through the door They kiss like bashful children in the morning sun Well it started in a barroom... Last night she was a fine looking girl today she looks so plain She thought he had a sensational smile But in the morning light it looks a little bit strange Well it started in a barroom... Now the midnight lovers are strangers on Sunday morning