Little Skipper's got a brand new boyfriend Found him out in aisle number two Stuck between the scrabble and the twister All dressed up with nothing else to do And Barbie's tryin' to keep from feeling jealous Little sister's got an older man Comes to town with action-packed accessories To teach her to be flexible and stand Little Skipper's got a brand new boyfriend Showed up on the shelf like some mirage Ready for a sun 'n fun adventure With tons of khaki green and camouflage And Barbie never had her choice of fellas Now Skipper's moving up from boys to men Found a muscle-mannikin to relish Someone who could rip the arms off Ken GI Joe's got shore leave And Joe's got cash to spare Joe brings pearls from foreign worlds For girls with plastic hair GI Joe's got shore leave And Joe's got friends in town Joe's got glands and moving hands And plans to settle down Little Skipper's got a brand new boyfriend She keeps an extra six-pack in the fridge Stole the keys to Barbie's Country Camper To hit the beach with Alan, Joe and Midge And Barbie's always dreamed of being rebellious But doesn't have the heart to break the mold Little sister's sending off the soldiers She has no reputation to uphold GI Joe's got shore leave And Joe spares no expense Joe wants girls with painted curls And worlds of fashion sense GI Joe's got shore leave He's got an itch to scratch GI Joe's got girls who pose In clothes that always match And Skipper wants to dress herself in leather But Skipper needs assistance to unzip Joe is armed and ready, willing, able With his trusty hand-grenade and kung