I'm trying to send good vibes to the world But world never answers with the same words And I am tired to try, gotta say goodbye To the good moments that we had And now I feel so lost, trying to survive Without my heart that you took from me But what can I say, I was dumb And you'll never be a guy good enough for me Tentando passar esses dias sem você Mas parece impossivel, não consigo entender Eu quero te mandar embora do meu coração Porque tudo o que tu fez não tem volta ou perdão Tudo que olho e faço só me lembra de você Cada verso que componho dá vontade de te ver Mas as merdas que tu fez, uma desculpa não compensa Tento te esquecer mas o sentimento não deixa I'm trying to send good vibes to the world But world never answers with the same words And I am tired to try, gotta say goodbye To the good moments that we had And now I feel so lost, trying to survive Without my heart that you took from me But what can I say, I was dumb And you'll never be a guy good enough for me Você sabe bem que tu foi longe demais Eu preciso espairecer porque não aguento mais Eu te dei o mundo e você tirou o meu chão Ainda não caiu a ficha que isso tudo foi em vão I'm trying to send good vibes to the world But world never answers with the same words And I am tired to try, gotta say goodbye To the good moments that we had And now I feel so lost, trying to survive Without my heart that you took from me But what can I say, I was dumb And you'll never be a guy good enough for me