
The Drug You Daily Crave


Footnotes for a pleasant life
Cast off all the disguise
All is rotten but you can't feel the smell
Of your life controlled by someone else
Where nothing is what it's meant to be
Greed devours humanity

Do you still think you're not a part of it
Convenience you can't resist
As you're born in cradle not in a cave
You need your drug you daily crave

Life advertised on TV sets
To steal your mind, to make you mad
They know what you really feel
They satisfy your every need

Do you still think you're not a part of it
Your society you can't resist
As you 're born in cradle not in a cave
You need your drug you daily crave

This world, it can be your heaven
Even heathens find it pleasant
It's just a pit of worms
Thriving in human forms

When you think you rise
In fact you really fall
Understand at last
We will reach no goal