Reptile! I call forth you! Dragon! - my fate is calling fatling to serve. I believe in your force, again I strain every nerve! Say! We need purification with fire and smoke. Watch! I am ready to death! You murder our fears, lust of blood and lie. Simple men are waiting for the cleansing fire. Eradicate all religions, burn to ashes the newest laws, Tongue of Dragon hits by thunder the sinful earth. Lair is empty! He heard my spells! Dragon brings the Night, Night of fire and Hell. No darkness here - only light. Move directly to the cracked shell! Fire! Pillaged cities and empires, Fertile lands and forbidden customs Were reduced to ruins. No remorse! So strong! Devours mostly spineless, Manages fatal mess. Earth is flamed by the Dragon. Dragon runs the Nature's Forces! Dragon! - my fate is calling fatling to serve. I believe in your force, I strain again every nerve!