Cursed be the ones who believe In the fantasy we call peace Bound by machines I am forced To believe that what I see is the end of a breed When will we see that the worlds That we dream and desperately seek Will never come to be as long as we spread like disease The machine hear it sing Like an anvil made of cepheon steel Astrea let the hammer fall Its call will be heard by all The only true destiny to find Peace will be found in eternal sleep Our fate destined to be absorbed by the stars Consumed by entropy If only the dead could see what these worlds Have come to be they'd close their eyes And return to sleep The worlds that we seed will Fall like the leaves from a dying tree Cursed by the breeze When will we see that the worlds That we dream and desperately seek Will never come to be as long as we spread like disease The machine hear it sing Like an anvil made of cepheon steel Astrea let the hammer fall Its call will be heard by all The only true destiny to find Peace will be found in eternal sleep Our fate destined to be absorbed by the stars Consumed by entropy If only the dead could see what these worlds Have come to be they'd close their eyes And return to sleep