Another day of shameful living's coming to an end Twelve hours of jests and hurting words that Mickey's used to stand A daily dose of cruel gibes, a sorrow's set in emerald eyes Who the hell needs such a being when the dying looks so nice? PLEASANT SMELL OF BUBBLE BATH SLOW, SLOW, SLOW, SLOW DOWN YOUR BREATH LET THE LIFE FLOW OUT OF VEINS DO YOU REALLY THINK IT'S GONNA EASE YOUR PAINS? A nagging hurt of dirty pranks is tearing her apart How could they all be so unkind and stab her in the heart? Sweet-scented foam is getting red while scarlet drops are dripping A final whiff of Mary Jane before a long and quiet sleeping "How could you be so unkind? How could you be so unkind? How could you all be so blind and make me live that way?!"