I close one eye to lose my depth of field I am so limited to the infinite unravel of the universe hinged to meaning in patterns and code I am thirsty -- so thirsty someone near the front of the bus says, "Thirsty." The woman in the shawl teal and sepia shawl stands up to exit the bus she slings a cloth bag over her shoulder knitting needles poking out The little boy behind me says, "Why sideways?" The boy's father says, "Do you mean what is sideways?" "No," the boy says. "Why is it called sideways anyway?" I am so limited to the infinite unravel of the universe hinged to meaning in pattern and code cold cold code Young drunk guys with wrap-around sunglasses sit near me at the back of the bus stinking of booze speaking maybe Greek I look out the window water so blue I close one eye to lose my depth of field I am so limited so limited to the infinite unravel of the universe hinged to meaning in pattern and code -- cold cold cold code I am thirsty -- so thirsty someone near the front of the bus says, "Thirsty." During World War II men wrote home to women waiting One man's elegant hand on paper wrote, "What I miss most is talking with you about the beauty of everything." Everyone gets off the bus before I do I am so limited so limited to the infinite unravel ravel, unravel of the universe hinged to meaning in pattern and code -- cold cold code Everyone gets off the bus before I do