My mind meanders like a river Through green valleys Searching fervently for truth In far distant places Though I need only look as far As my heart to find both truth and delusion Too close for comfort One day these bones will rest in grass Salted by the tears of my family Serenaded by the wind Then forgotten like last night's dream I'll be the harbinger of darkness Let me bring you the fear That can be found in a handful of dust What you have to realize Is that you die every single day When you lay your head to sleep And everything disappears Where do you go? How do you know? Are you sad that you have to End it so soon? Yes, this is the end Will you refuse to go back to sleep Now that you can never wake up again? Would you have lived your last day differently? I'll be the arbiter of time Our birth is nothing but our death begun What a ridiculous notion To hold life so precious As if it had some intrinsic value Beyond what is important to us subjectively, instinctively All we can do is Enjoy the means, end suffering And not dwell on these things too much Death will blanket us all in the end