VANESSA: Hello? TIFFANY: Hey Vaness, OMG, would you guess, that Im not wearing undies today? VANESSA: Eww. Oh Tiff, LOL, whats the diff, You would still take em off anyway. TIFFANY: IKR VANESSA: BTW, BOTH: Where are you right now? TIFFANY: We need to talk-- VANESSA: Oh, I totes see you, BOTH: BRB ciao ciao (dialogue) OLD SNATCH: When youve been around the block as much as I have, You feel just like a CEO FLOPSY: (spoken) Hows that? That must feel good? OLD SNATCH: You see, Im done with all these cocks, But theyre not lettin me retire, I tell ya, Im ready to go! (dialogue) FLOPSY: Its like living the same way that an old pair of shoes do Every days a one man show! They start to STINK, then theres HOLES, And they dont FIT the way they used to IVE HAD IT! Im ready to go OLD SNATCH: Look at us, Were just a couple of stiffs FLOPSY: (now youre just being cute) OLD SNATCH: With a lifetime of ifs. FLOPSY: (Dont be so hard on us) OLD SNATCH: And I wonder, with someone else, could be more fair? FLOPSY: Yeah! Its not like were some one-dick pony. OLD SNATCH: (oh, whos the cute one now?) FLOPSY: We could be more if only BOTH: Someone out there, would answer our prayer! TOGETHER: While we wait to be delivered, go ahead, cry me a river We agree that theres no quid pro quo So until that great vacation, save your tears for lubrication, And lord have mercy, are we ready to go! Mercy, are we ready to go. (dialogue) TIFFANY: Listen up, Vanessa, sweetie, I do this cuz I care. VANESSA: (spoken) I know. TIFFANY: This is war. Forget your peace treaty! Justice is right over there! VANESSA: I guess I could use a new guy Cuz its been a while and I am still so young, Why not give it a try. At the very least it could be kinda fun. TIFFANY: Hey now, Vanessa, theres the girl I know and love. VANESSA: Ive been so boring, boy Im glad-I had a little shove! BOTH: Tic tock, while the irons hot Theres no time to take it slow You gotta be ready, so Ready to Gooo (repeats) ALL: We're finally ready and the time is right for us to light a spark. Were keepin' it steady, with our Eyes on the prize, to get us through the dark. I know theres so much more to what I think I see I feel a change, and the strange thing is-- its part of me! My hormones are freakin out, And I think Im gonna blow! JOEY AND DICK: Were locked and loaded SALLY AND MS. COOTER: Oh, so devoted SNATCH & FLOPSY: low and demoted, VANESSA & TIFFANY: Totes, just toted! ALL: Were finally ready, So ready to go!!