
Dave, Stop Killing Prostitutes


Dave was a lost cause, a real psycho
spent half his time wishing he was a man 
rather than being a man 

to educate his own will, he puts people in boxes 
head first, then legs, then something else 

dave was a good lad, a true buffoon 
spent hundreds of pounds exciting himself 
instead of just stemming the blood 

to prophecise his own death, he puts people in boxes 
head first, then the legs, then something else 

wine wine wine on the floor 
who needs a family doctor 
we knew it all along

wine wine wine on the floor 
who needs a family doctor 
who needs a vent 

dave what a good man, but for gods sake 
make allowances for breakfast 
make allowances for cowards 

he chewed at his own wrist, and puts people in boxes 
head first, then the legs, then something else 

wine wine wine on the floor 
who needs a family doctor 
we knew it all along

wine wine wine on the floor 
who needs a family doctor 
who needs a vent 

dave was a lost cause, a real psycho 
spent half his time wishing he was a man 
rather than being a man 

to educate his own will, he puts people in boxes 
head first, then legs, then something else 

wine wine wine on the floor 
who needs a family doctor 
we knew it all along 

wine wine wine on the floor 
he used to man 

dave, stop killing prostitutes, dave