
A Train Uptown


Be gettin high laughin fly fashion buggy-eye
Told the dealer we gonna try platinum
Like my magnum to blow you out you nike's
And leave you stagrin
`98 I'm bubblin like alka-seltser asprin
Niggas never dealt a assassin
Shootin ya hot water belt lashin
I get dough
Smoke dro and melt hashin
Enemies an foes gettin felt when I'm blastin
Or I'll put some dollars on you
Have my wolves lay you horizontal
Nozzle up ya nosril
My crew pop you drop you
I'll take it ta the streets fuck the hip hop du
You never know who might walk up
Squeeze the trigger make your whole fuckin life
Short cut
You only live once
Fuck bitches smoke big blunts
Hydro smoke no joke
Roast in my fronts
Ten pies goes in a month
Bitches bringin o's in they cunt
Work for me
These murder mommies hurt for me
Duckin narcs in the burgandy mercury

Yo gruff what the fuck is you doin man
Take these niggas uptown man get gut on em
Take em to the danger zone