I'm tired of being discarded and vilipendiado.incompreendido Who says understands me never wanted to know That boy was admitted to a clinic They say that due to lack of attention from friends, memories The dreams that are configured sad and inert As an hourglass property, not moving, not moving Does not work And clarisse is locked in the bathroom And makes marks on his body with his little knife Lying in the corner, your ankles bleed And the pain is lower than that seems When she is cut she forgets It is impossible to have the quiet life and strength Living in pain, no one understands Trying to be strong each and every morning One of her friends is gone The more a police No one understands, not look at me like With this look good samaritan Fulfilling his duty, as if I were sick As if all this pain was different, or nonexistent Nothing there for me, do not try You do not know and do not understand And when antidepressants and tranquilizers do not work they Clarisse knows that madness is present And feel the essence of what is strange death But she knows that void nicely From time to time is a new treatment But the world always remains the same The fear of coming home at night Men who scrub disgusting On the way to and from school Lack of hope is the torment To know that nothing is fair and just right And we are destroying the future And that evil always walks around here The violence and injustice that exists Against all girls and women A world where the truth is the opposite And the joy has no more address Clarice is locked in her room With his records and his books, his weariness I am a bird They lock me in the cage And expect me to sing as before I am a bird They lock me in the cage But one day I can be And I will fly through the most beautiful way Clarisse only is fourteen