Spitting blood in a sink in a German hotel bathroom A wet clot of red gum juice, souvenir of wisdom's ration Rinsing face, drying hair, humming "Oh Engineer" by the brothers Larcombe Thinking of the bands I never got a chance to spend my cash on Ché and his Caballero chucked it in when I said I liked them Now I'll never catch them in a smoky room on Highbury Corner I shall weep for them another day because I'm at the fulcrum of the Voodoo graveyard see-saw and I'm not the only mourner What do we do when our friends split up? Five little sevens then belly up There's no more ash, no more soda pop Why did those five have to make it stop? At least we have Storm And Stress to show for the DC Implosion Mushrooms grown on an upstairs Smalley wall are chopped down and moved away from five icemen melt without hint of a reforming notion and the clan I saw perform the most give a bow and leave my kingdom Talented friends and 25 eclipse the work of certain strummers Steel-string chords and a railway or a globe, or Mr. Bickle's nonsense who can rescue us from the Embrace of these Monsoonless summers? Don't rely on magic, friends because in rock there are no constants What do we do when our friends split up? Is there no way they can make it up? If you bump into my penta friends Be sure to ask if they meant to end