Here it is one a.m. Don Williams on my radio You know "Some Broken Hearts Never Mend" reminds me of you Sleeping alone in that big old house way out here so far from town I hear the coyotes howling as I stop to open the last gate out Chorus: Goodnight has never meant You know I've tried, it's never meant Goodnight has never meant goodbye Sheriff Murray knows just where I've been he shakes his head as I roll by He probably knows we drank too much but he knows I'm going home so he lets it slide Everybody in this scrub brush town knows the deal between me and you They're just trying to figure out which of us is the bigger fool Chorus: And Goodnight has never meant You know I've tried, it's never meant Goodnight has never meant goodbye Two sides of one coin We could try but what's the point When goodnight has never meant goodbye Talk around the cafe last week was you sold the last of your daddy's herd Oh, I ain't said a word 'cause I know you've got your pride But I been thinking what's done is done and nothing holds the two of us So let these fences all fall down and ghost and coyotes can have this ground Chorus: Goodnight has never meant You know I've tried, it's never meant Goodnight has never meant You know we've tried, it's never meant Goodnight has never meant goodbye