Max Stalling

I to 35

Max Stalling

It was freezing cold in Dallas when I made my get away
I out ran a cold front when I gave my truck the reins
Barreling down I-35 with one thought on my mind
Forget the race, find an open space, leave that city far behind

Well, hello there Austin, you look to be just fine
Pardon me, San Marcos but I'm trying to make some time
There's a storm in my rearview and a city on my nerves
There's peace of mind in the straight-away
And there's comfort in the curves

I didn't pull off in Von Ormy like I normally do
I went on down to Devine town, I bought a six pack or two
I glanced back across my shoulder like a seventh season buck
All I saw was a wall of clouds, I hopped back in my truck

Guttentag, New Braunfels, how are you today?
Hola, ol' San Antone, please stand out of my way
There's a storm in my rearview and a city on my nerves
There's peace of mind in the straight-away
And there's comfort in the curves

Well I know that mother nature will catch me in the end
But I'll put some miles behind me before I turn to face the wind
Don't you leave that barn door open, not even just a crack
If I see a hint of daylight you'll never get me back

Well, hello old Batesville, do you remember me?
And look out there La Pryor But I'm coming through can't you see?
There's a storm in my rearview and a city on my nerves
There's peace of mind in the straight-away
And there's comfort in the curves

I say I'm berreling down I-35 with one thought on my mind
Forget the race, find an open space, leave that city
That damned old city far behind
Leave that city way far behind