Here Come The Incidents" So here come the incidents Here come the camera crews Here come the incidents At the top of the nightly news It's just a coincidence That's all it is my friends Here come the incidents Here we go again Some boats they had a scrapping in a narrow passageway Like a couple of cars in traffic on a busy motorway If it's fighters from the bridge or a prankster from the pier I shudder 'cause these scoundrels still have the better part of a year + i know that they're in a hurry to make another flimsy case But the facts at best are blurry And my mouth still has this distaste So if this counts as escalation, we'll be reaching for the sky One more little confrontation and the flames will start to fly It'll start with a scuffle, a kerfuffle, to a trumped up case for attack Those ships in the channel, there's no camel, but a straw will break its back So here come the incidents Here come the camera crews Here come the incidents At the top of the nightly news It's just a coincidence That's all it is my friends Here come the incidents Here we go again While the rest of us are focused on the primary returns The wheels get set in motion while the nation's back is turned 'Cause if they get the drums in tune, they're gonna beat them that's for sure We'll keep busy picking battles they'll get busy starting wars out there in the region The cohesion of the story is just short of proof But don't forget who's still in office, no there's no telling just what they will do So here come the incidents Here comes the narrative Here come the incidents Yeah, this one is really big Here comes the press conference It's aimed right at you my friend Here come the incidents Here we go again