Here I am, red, sour. Mine eye smiling to thy side. He lives in a river from Carina's door. Washing out the devourer of dying acres. Maybe Salvation deserves this? All in my hand overcame me. Eyes on you, I drowned in yours. And then… my house forsook me. Lithely trickling away, my name from thee. In a slumber-call Hast thou dreamt my name? Haste, my weight is hollow. Speak, and it saves me. Haste, speak, trust me. Atop a hill, a marvelous night's Lustrous vistas mark the year, creeping along the barony. Phantoms flicker with a licking breeze, admonishing thee of wicked pleasure. I scheme to renounce my treasure. With a furtive smile, silence… But tears, they stream for thee. Thou, lusting a dungeon! This land is like… A goblet of the thick and black! Brim-filled before the moon-crest. I'm pondering a wall and poised with knives. And then, I look at you… (Secretly, of course)