Voice: Press the little red button Press the- it is pressed The little red, pressed- It is cold... You are the one that took me down We cannot see, we cannot kick the habit Take your lips and turn em upside down Make me slowly in the image of your perfection If not the liar then the apple of your eye If not today then tomorrow is just goodbye I covet all these things The bird it knows the bee stings And then it dies, well, and then it dies Tea in a loaded room, in a loaded house, in a loaded town A finger taps the table, bottled ships they run aground If only for my life, if only for my life, if only for my life Know me, know me If not the liar then the apple of your eye If not the jury then guilt is through the alibi I, I covet all these things The bird it knows the bee stings And then it dies, well, and then it dies You are the one that took me down Between your riding round youve surely known your lost and found Take your whore lips and, take your whore lips and Make me slowly in the image of your perfection If not the savior then the apple of your eye If not the masterpiece then a massacre in disguise I, I covet all these things The bird it knows the bee stings And then it dies, well, and then it dies Come on home, yeah come on home And come on home, yeah come on home