Tom: Am E|E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Starting - Matt Pond PA E|E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Tabbed by: opensky_94 I noticed that this song didn't have tabs, so this is my first one to make. I hope it's sound right for you guys! Tuning: standard Verse: F G Am E|------1-----------3----------0---------------------------------------------| B|------1-----------3----------1---------------------------------------------| G|------2-----------0----------2---------------------------------------------| D|------3-----------0----------2---------------------------------------------| A|------0-----------2----------0---------------------------------------------| E|------0-----------3----------0---------------------------------------------| We could start tonight Slide back the deadbolts Let the pictures down They hold no life And if you've got some faith, then you are faithful You fall down on your face You got a face full We could start tonight Pull down the plastic Light the gasoline Erase the lines And if you want to live Then go on living If you want to give Gotta get it right Prechorus: C G F E|---------0--------3-------1------------------------------------------------| B|---------1--------3-------1------------------------------------------------| G|---------0--------0-------2------------------------------------------------| D|---------2--------0-------3------------------------------------------------| A|---------3--------2-------0------------------------------------------------| E|---------0--------3-------0------------------------------------------------| The ceiling was beyond the world I could afford You'll never knock your head or chip your teeth If you won't take some more Or just keep dancing with your chin a vacant stare The promise worth in very movement was proceeded in your chair Chorus: F G Am E|------1--------3----------0------------------------------------------------| B|------1--------3----------1------------------------------------------------| G|------2--------0----------2------------------------------------------------| D|------3--------0----------2------------------------------------------------| A|------0--------2----------0------------------------------------------------| E|------0--------3----------0------------------------------------------------| And here we are Saints and sightseers The light bulb phosphorescent flash and then we're gone And there we were, all full of fever A million shakes until the leaves have drifted on And here we are Far beyond reason A million fires a million holes put in the sky And there we were Saints and sightseers A million runway lights to bring up through the night Prechorus: C G F E|---------0--------3-------1------------------------------------------------| B|---------1--------3-------1------------------------------------------------| G|---------0--------0-------2------------------------------------------------| D|---------2--------0-------3------------------------------------------------| A|---------3--------2-------0------------------------------------------------| E|---------0--------3-------0------------------------------------------------| We stand on ledges, kick our feet and throw our shoes I tried to move a little closer, nothing left for me to lose There is no argument to get me going hoarse Misplaced my mind and now I do not have to worry about before Bridge: F, G, Am (palmmute) E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| Less talk, more arms, more legs, more swinging back and forth Lights on, lights off, I know that I want to be adored First hips, then knees, then feet, don't think anymore Make no mistake, there's no blood when the words are gone Less talk, more arms, more legs, more swinging back and forth Lights on, lights off, we know we want to be adored First hips, then knees, then feet, don't think anymore Make no mistake, there's no blood when the words are gone F, G, Am ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | H hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | B Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend