Heard about a girl, Had a grandma, so dear, Passed on from this life, Took another form, I hear. Said "Honny when I die, I'm gona be a fly, Gona Buzz around the house, All year. But I know Jesus didn't die So I could just be a fly. He had better plans for me When he died up on the tree. I won't come back as a fly, I'm leavin' now, by and by. I know Jesus, he didn't die, So The bible makes it clear, I don't need to fear. Jesus as my Lord, Heaven will be my reward. He suffered on the cross, To bear my pain and loss. All I need to do, Is give my life to you Lord. So my friends ya see Buzzin’ not for me, And it need not be for you. Claim Jesus as Lord Haven will be your reward, I know this to be true. Reincarnation is just a lie, I'm doin' somethn' better when I die. Hope to see you by and by, When to my homeland of fly.