Matt Mays

Building A Boat

Matt Mays

Tom: D

This is from his new album, although it hasn't been recorded yet
I tabbed it from a few youtube video's so look there to check it out
tabbed by Steve Degen email *

Chords Used

  A    D    E

I cant really get the words to this song so I'll just tab the
different riffs of the song and you can figure out where they are.
The song is by no means hard so it wont be hard to get it.

Main Riff


This is the main riff of the whole song, it's pretty heavy so you
may not want to actually hit the B string until you have to do the
pull off's. The pull off's are played very close together almost so
that it's hard to distinguish them apart. I believe Jarrett plays the
A on the 5th fret to get that heavy sound as well. He doesnt always use the pull offs 
and sometimes just plays the A

There's a few bends you can hear in the song as well the first one
being after matt sings "Im gonna hand make all the sails...."

[---------]This is that bend..just bend, release and pull off

The Chorus simply goes

D, A, E, D

This is where Matt Sings "Im gonna smash a big bottle of champagne..."

hit the first D when he says "smash" the A after he says "bow"
hit the E when he says "leave" the last D when he says "matter"

After the Chorus is the Riff that looks like this

[---------------------------------]or [-----------------------------]
[---------------------------------]   [-----------------------------]
[---------------------------------]   [-----------------------------]
[---------------------------------]   [-----------------------------]
[---------------------------------]   [-0h7-0h7-0h7-0h7-0h7-0h7-0h7-]
[-0h5-0h5-0h5-0h5-0h5-0h5-0h5-0h5-]   [-0h5-0h5-0h5-0h5-0h5-0h5-0h5-]

You can decide if you want to use the A string or not

for the solo during the middle of the song it looks like he just keeps
bending the same note


I apologize for how scattered this I said if I knew the words
I could tab the song more chronologically but it's pretty damn easy
and shouldn't take much to figure out.