Matt Maher


Matt Maher

Tom: F

Bb       F     C          Bb  F   C
Glo——————ry to God in the hi——gh——est
       Bb    F/A       Dm     C   Bb        F    C
And on earth peace to people of good will

    F/A    Bb                C
We praise you,          We bless you
   F/A    Bb         C
We adore you,   We glorify you
    F/A      Bbmaj7     C            Dm    Bb    C
We give you thanks for your great glory
Gm                 Bb         Dm           C
 Lord God heavenly King,    O God almighty Father

Bb     F      C            Bb     F      C
Lord Jesus Christ,         Only Begotten Son
Bb       F        Dm      C         Bb     F     C
Lord God Lamb of God,    Son of the Father

      F/A   Bb      Csus                    F     Bb     Csus  C
 You take away the sins of the world,  Have mer -- cy on us
F/A       Bb       Csus           C      Bb/D Bbmaj7  C
 You take away the sins of the world,  Receive our prayer
          Gm            Bb                                          C
 You are seated at the right hand of the Father,         Have mercy on us

     Bb    F           C          Bb     F           C
 For you alone are the Holy One,  You alone are the Lord
 Bb     F           C             Bb/D   C/E
 You alone are the Most High,    Jesus Christ
          Gm   F/A             Bb                C
 With the Holy Spirit,  In the glory of God the Father
    Bb F
Dm  Bb F
Dm  Bb F
Dm  F/A Bb C