Lay on the desert floor, we Are vultures pickin' scraps, you Might not make that first swing But I know you'll connect soon It gets hard for you I see it in your face from time to time It's on the tip of my tongue This ain't the place that you know Don't have that river you love Or the Sun beating down, boy Within the dark the scene looks Beautiful to me no matter what And if it's right in front of you Then why don't you see it? Why don't you see it? Yeah, I'll remember you Lovely in your autumn dress, yeah Lay on your bedroom floor, let's Give a little this time If life is unforgiving I'll give you peace of mind, I I have been there before Obsession creates problems of its own When the embers burn cold You look but you don't care And there's no distance, I will always meet you anywhere I am tougher than you know I want what I've got and that is so And if it's right in front of you Then why don't you see it? Why don't you see it? Yeah, I'll remember you Lovely in your autumn dress In your autumn dress Lay on the desert floor, you Can settle in your scars, and Give anything, a push then The need is ours, I know you're Like a child at heart You're a match for thunder in the dark And if it's right in front of you Then why don't you see it? Why don't you see it? oh, yeah, I'll remember you Lovely in your autumn dress In your autumn dress