Master's Memorial

We Are The Ashes

Master's Memorial

We Are The Ashes

I remember
Thy don't need ash
For once I have remembered
The fallen of ones past
For she delivers my sympathy
To all of my apathy

Fallen- in the abyss
Lying- To my own gods
Shining- She was gone
Living- Immortal pain

They were glad you have gone
For I wept for the love I long
Under the lights of success
Sadness and darkness I am blessed

Raining- Our fragile mind
Pouring- Death and Despair
Flowing- Decaying Veins

Laying in the darkness full of thought
The stars word out my fate
A burning sensation
Under the name of Hell

And you YOU!, take my remembrance
The Ashes are mine!

Raining- Our fragile mind
Pouring- Death and Despair
Flowing- Decaying Veins
We- Are the Ashes