


Why don't you realize, that you are
a target of a propaganda?
Your fucking brainwashed mind has accepted
all the lies on their agenda.
Just like a hungry fish you will bite on
anything that's thrown your way; I wish I could help you
to recover from the fiction
and fairy tales you believe in so much:

Blowing up enemies of ours
even if we're not sure it's for good cause.
Drop the bomb, watch them burn alive
Outta-luck civilians that did not survive.

Open your eyes and try to see what's
behind the curtain of destruction.
Hidden from simple minds are decisions
Which are made based on corruption.
If you think otherwise just imagine people crying,
while we have all our fun soldiers dying
for the justice, peace and freedom,
and gasoline, that does not belong to us.

Blowing up enemies of ours even
if we're not sure it's for good cause.
Drop the bomb, watch them burn alive
Outta-luck civilians that did not survive.
No more bombs, get the bong and let's get high
Marijuana brings together all man kind.

Peace and justice
Sound so fucking sweet.
Only truth is
You love oil more than wheat
Don't confuse us
With your lies from the pit