Odd games he plays here Does not mean to harm Someone stalks the strange side Soaked by soup that stinks Curiosity your brother Disclosing all the depths But some things ought better Not being found out Don't give us anything reminding of age 'Cos though we do love you it's not far from rage Pick all those nettles Pick some for us too But soup on a dog is far harder to make Wait you're being used in A proper drench of fear But face reveals nothing You're drunken on yourself Don't give us anything reminding of age 'Cos though we do love you it's not far from rage Yes to the depths And yes to your health But some things ought better not being found out Wanting till bloodless Four-legged bundle is back here That is the truest And the saddest part of all No flesh can understand the wriggling ways within Look in the ditches Oh Lord, where is he lying strewn Let's drop a black wreath Where our dog most likely fell Just sweep past evil smell of flesh that understands