Dinner's on the table, just beans but no coffee Fill up on bread 'cos there's no meat and there's no gravy Daddy says there's no work no work to do my friend So come on now my children Off to bed for the light is fading I don't believe the trade winds blowing will set you free I do believe the free trade wind is roaring toward you and me Clever Chinese fingers busy themselves tonight Working dawn to dusk sun is setting sun is rising On your land of milk and honey, yes I know it ain't funny So take it easy in your Cadillac I only hope it's built to last I don't believe the trade wind blowing will set you free I do believe the trade wind roaring is no more than An icy breeze for you and me - Do you remember a time when you called out the names Of those who never seem to give a damn for your flag Or for your country you blamed the reds you blamed The unions you blamed the immigrants and Jews And you'd better run it by a priest Cos no one cares and no one's listening - I do believe - I don't believe the trade winds Are roaring for you and me