Tom: C#m Intro Fm -E- D X2 and then the last beat you cant Use Db If you want to play it jsut like the record you better use Fm E D e-9- -7- -5- b-10- -9- -7- g-11- -9- -7- d-11- -9- -7- a-9- -7- -5- E-x- -x- -x- *** *** Fm Sh'lach li mal'ach E sheyikach, sheyikach oti lelev she'ohev umechakeh li D verotzeh bi kol hazman Fm Sh'lach li mal'ach E she'oti ve'otach hu lo yikach lemakom she'ein bo D mah sheyesh po kol hazman G#m B E C#m Ken lif'amim hakol nir'ah oto davar G#m B E C#m velif'amim, pit'om, yesh reg'a me'ushar INTERLUDE: Fm -E x2 Etc etc etc.. Sh'lach li mal'ach sheyis'mach veyadlik po et ha'or veyish'mor al mah sheyesh lish'mor po kol hazman Stam hazayot zeh gan chayot arayot venemerim ve'acherim menasim lim'tzo makom lichyot bo kol hazman