A broken frame shattered glass, a distant scream from a haunted past Broken dreams remind you of what you could have been A perfect plan a perfect life, a perfect way to paradise Divine thirst turned into something so bitter sweet So bury it down, don't knead it, so bury it down you don't need it Just let it go, cause you cannot turn back time A shining star that fades away, a broken promise a wicked day Seems that nothing can repair the damage done Beaten down and torn apart, what you need is a brand new start you don't gain anything for being sad So bury it down, don't knead it, so bury it down you don't need it Just let it go, cause you cannot turn back time You never want to feel this again, don't want to pretend Cause you can't and you won't relive it Face the fact and get it on, you know you can't get things undone So don't let the sorrows drag you deeper into black So bury it down, don't knead it, so bury it down you don't need it Just let it go, cause you cannot turn back time You never want to feel this again, don't want to pretend Cause you can't and you won't relive it I'm sure that if you cut of your past, the demons won't last Cause you can't and you won't relive it A broken frame shattered glass, a distant scream from a haunted past Broken dreams remind you of what you could have been You never want to feel this again, don't want to pretend Cause you can't and you won't relive it I'm sure that if you cut of your past, the demons won't last Cause you can't and you won't relive it