toll girl sneaks a smoke orange ski cap on her head delbert's on the radio ice hangs off the ledge ponytail down her back streaks of red and white candy ring she won once is fading from the light her skinny fingers poke through holes of woolen gloves toe haired boy skids to a stop eyes are filled with blood says you gotta help me, I'm out here on the run I'm all run outta money but in my pocket there's a gun Some days are skidding fast, Some nights are pulling slow Some strangers stop and visit, Some lovers have to go And how can you be wide-eyed when your heart is turning cold? a man spots the toll girl each time he comes this way wonders why every last soul isn't lined up in this lane flashes her a Cheshire grin stares at her too long she can't help but think feels good, it must be wrong cross-eyed boxer way home from a fight blue black trucker drives a straight line white girl with blue glitter rides shotgun again all the pretty boys in nice cars for a spin over the tappanzee bridge east bound on the tappanzee bridge Saturday night on the tappanzee bridge