Mary Mcbride

The Bookman

Mary Mcbride

The Bookman drives
From Stockton to Hanksville
Meeting Mormons and Indians
Books on wheels

All the town ladies 
Bring root beer and cookies
The kids read fairy tales
Squirming and laughing

One lady is reading 
And hanging around
Got sweet on the bookman
When he came to town

She's wonderin how
In the world can she leave
Got fourteen kids 
Baby on each knee 

CHORUS: The Bookman comes and he never stays long
Like turning pages  he's up and gone
He fades away like a reading light in the night
She marks the day like she marks a page
When he's gonna come back round again
Till then she reads  the babies to sleep at night

He noticed one day
She was staring at him
With a  romance novel
Behind each grin

He offered to take
Her down the road
She shook her head
And softly said no