Mary Mcbride


Mary Mcbride

Crazy old tilted red eyed subway man
drives the morning train fast as anyone can
hollering headlines straight from the news
bike rattles off the road a little girl's bruised
old man got a plastic heart feels like new
sky gave way there's a sliver of blue
and I'm looking out the window
thinking of you

Falling, falling
falling for you

Crazy old tilted red eyed subway man
slaps a high five with the platform band 
hipster is singing a brand new tune
girl with dreadlocks who hung the moon
Crazy man is President with his own truth
black guy with one leg is dying too soon
and I'm looking out the window
thinking of you

Falling, falling
falling for you

Crazy old tilted red eyed subway man 
Pulls back the brakes with his greasy hands
banker drops his coffee on black shiny shoes 
twins from crown heights twist identical dos
fallen promise keeper back on the booze
and we all swear we'll never ever take the Q 
and I'm looking out the window
thinking of you 

Falling, falling
falling for you