We love a place by the nile, That is just great don't you know? There is a spinx oh way oh And pyramids in a row. The Paintings on the tombs, They tell a tale of long ago. Of young King Tut Oh way oh! And Cleopatra what a show. Round and Round High above the ground Say a-oh, way-oh, a-oh-way-oh. Walk like an Egyptian. (Instrumental) They dig a hole in the sand, To find gems just for fun. They belly dance, Oh way oh! Like an egyptian. The palme trees sway in the sun, While the desert breezes blow. Beside the dunes, oh way oh! The camels walking to and fro. Going to town sitting upside down. Say a-oh, way-oh, way-oh-a-oh. Walk like an egyptian. (Instrumental) They charm the snakes and we hear, That they eat fire 'til they pop. There's a bazaar, Oh way oh! Where we can shop 'til we drop. Hula-hoop and swoop the swoop. Say a-oh, way-oh, a-oh-way-oh. Walk like an egyptian. Walk like an egyptian. Walk like an egyptian.