How does a prima graduate from ballerina I'll give you a little clue To be in a world-class ballet company There's one thing that you must love to do Chorus: Practice, practice, practice If at first you don't succeed Don't give up just keep on trying Til you get up to speed First position, second position, third and fourth and fifth Plies makes you sleet and strong But first you're gonna be stiff Time to do our releves Then our Pas be bourrees We're dizzy doing pirouette We love our Grande Jete Practice, practice, practice At the ballet bar This is what you love to do to be a ballet star Do your best and you'll get better Just don't call it quits All at once, you'll find that you're so flexible You can even do the splits Chorus First position, second position, on and on it goes And one day you'll do arabesque Standing on your toes For each and every one percent of style and inspiration A New York City ballerina gives it Ninety-nine percent perspiration Practice, practice, practice Will surely make you number one But you don't have to be a prima just to have some fun