Mary Jane Kelly

It's Manifest Destiny

Mary Jane Kelly

I'm gonna tell you a story about these people I know 
it ain't exactly happy…it just proves to you that: 

Progress is holy in our culture 
and any means are good to get there 

" we'll take their land away, 
we'll promise, then betray, 
we'll make 'em slaves to the booze, 
Hollywood will make 'em lose… 
And if we find some more oil 
(well) if we find something else 
they'll have to go away 
they'll have to do as we say" 

Progress is holy in our culture and any means justified 
to get there. 

Five hundred years of genocide 
to impose our "civilized" rational world 
our individualist society doesn't want cultural diversity… 
Why should it care about native American identity? 

Well that was a short story 
No talk about tits 'n' ass today 
A little dose of reality rocknroll 
to make the headache go away