Have you ever met a local politician and did you check out what they say. Do you ever wonder about who you vote for or did you lose interest after election day. I do know this is not as easy but it should be a natural thing to follow up how power is used not just sit back and let it be abused! (Then, he thinks) I don't feel that I have the freedom to do that, this I was never taught in school; still to me it would seem essential to have some form of control… Positive, political, A-plus powerful, don't mean anything unless it's thoughtful, if we don't care about what's going on here if we're not willing to invest time, dear. We will always be fooled somehow, tell me why are politicians smiling right now? It's our future and it's our world we can not just give it away…To the guy with the biggest lie (He thinks to himself again) I know I should have a more critical mind, not that things would be alright then, but at least I'd be able to place myself in this world which is going by me. I don't feel I have any self worth left sometimes, when I see that we don't count, when I see how this world's divided… by politicians and businessmen!