Tom: A A F#m It's time to celebrate, open up your eyes Bm D E And look very close, the brightness of His glory A F#m The time has come, to go to the rooftops D Bm E And to tell everyone it’s time to celebrate His glory F#m D A E The sorrow may last all night F#m D A E But very soon in the morning, the joy will come F#m D A E The storm may rock my sailing boat F#m D But it is certain that whoever calms the sea F#m E And the wind, will rise F#m D F#m D It's time to celebrate, it's time to celebrate D Bm E It is time to praise the Lord F#m D F#m D It's time to celebrate, it's time to celebrate D Bm E It is time to praise the Lord F#m D A E That gives us, Salvation! A D F#m E I was in the eye of the storm A D A E But Jesus slept and he didn’t seem to care for me D But He arose with power and strength in His hands F#m His power in my life he manifested D Bm D E At the sound of his voice, he stilled the wind and calmed the ocean