Arise, come forth o spirits of the elements Your names are being called, greet us as thy brothers For we speak of vengeance and anger For we are one with the secrets of our father Blessed we shall be, the strong ones Our paths shalt be cleared by the weak No entity will thwart the knowledge That was given to us from the one whom we seek Thus shall spread the world of satan The horned one shall be glorified The chalice for the purified His name will be exalted and praised Domine sathanas exaudi meam Domine sathanas rex infernum Let our voices smash the stillness of the air As we proclaim what is rightfully ours (His name will be exalted and praised domine) Crush the remnants of their dying fiath Feeble minds open to our lust and hate (His name will be exalted and praised, Sathanas) Rejoice brothers For the fire age has arrived Hail father Your presence is burning within us Pierce their creed with the sting of scorpions The venom will spread into their veins Like a plague they must be brought to an end Christian dogma into the abyss must descend From this arid wasteland of mildewed minds We will ascend From the depths of the pits Though shalt hear The word of satan