Worthless soul vexed by malignity Restrained by demuric gyves In the bitter coldness of the dark cellar Heed my attention and accept my offer: I shall loosen your shackles and let you free Unless you avenge your opprobrium And immolate the evil ones ... to me Drenched in maternal blood Tear of insanity fall into oblivion Her father;s skull freshly scalped Putrid stench fills her heart With agonizing sadness ... Chained to the humid wall Like an effigy of christ She stares into nothingness Depraved creature exiled, lost Lament, threnody She did not deserve this penalty Requiem, elegy She refused to be a non-entity Living in her very own filth Breathing the stench of the moist excrement Insects crawel o'er her pale white skin Anorexic to the bone, fragile form Chained to the wall Craving for a glimpse of light From the pinnacle of the steps Her hopes never totally abolished Spirits beseeched by her endless lament Accepting the devil's proposal She climbs the steps of indecison Her mind set on morbid visions Yet clinging to her cherished soul "kill them ..." "denied life by the ones who gave it to me I shall kill and offer my deeds to thee" "you are torn in hesitation But be sure of your acts" "revenge will earn my freedom Yet be cursed in the everlasting blaze" "then so be it,yet i grant you the gift; Of abiding content." "then i choose to have what has been removed from me." Lament, threnody She did not deserve this penalty Requiem, elegy She refused to be a non-entity She was isolated For her original sin But sin was that got her Free from the cursed gyves Emerging from the cellar With rays of light embraced Now the devil's daughter She came out triumphant