Ignorance surrounds me all these shrinks flappin their gums The medicine that we'll put in Will cure or make him numb Invent a chronic problem, a disease they've never seen They'll toss and shake and this big fake Will give us all our green When there's no one on your side You know they'll tell you all these lies Can't see through your eyes, there will be no suprise You'll drink the poison til you die Fear, intimidation make a great mind control drug We'll tap one vein they're all the same Their graves already dug Fighting mental uprise, the placebos work no more We'll dumb them down, pills all around Frozen to the core When there's no one on your side You know they'll tell you all these lies Can't see through your eyes, there will be no suprise You'll drink the poison till you die Alchemy in blood, inject me now with mud Burning in my veins, drown me in the flood Your medicine sublime, is poison to my mind You judge me now insane, I don't want to die [solos 1 and 4 - Mike] [solos 2 and 3 - Dan]