When the valleys roared with engines And cried with hymns of light Disciples with canaries Dug dark deeper than the night Now a fiery cloudy pillar Hovers over business parks As the lungs of emphysemic men Sing as rising larks But auld lang syne holds little comfort In history's disarray The stolen land, the blazing croft The past won't go away Boats banished from port william The pregnant chambermaid Justice has a memory Some memories will not fade From the woods of nova scotia To vancouver islands waves A burnt-clan converses And counts the unmarked graves Of a nation and a language Expelled from hill and glen Meanwhile in the pubs of partick Their tongue speaks free again And what to sing of ireland That doesn't burst the breast From coleraine down to fermanagh The fields pray and yearn for rest Sweet holy land of magic Still sending out your fleece And may it come back to you ten fold With an armistice of peace