Tom: A A Well he spent that summer walkin door to door A With a can of gas and an old lawnmower D E A that's a sure fine way to make a buck when your 14 A Well he walked the block with no luck at all A Then he spotted a place where the weeds were tall D E A With a young girl sittin on the front porch eatin ice cream F#m Deep in the pocket of his grass stained jeans E Was some carmel corn and a plastic ring D left over from the week before E Momma didn't was 'em thank the lord A D Just like a crackerjack diamond A D E Never know when you're gonna find one A D E They found love from that day on A D The hand of fate brought them together A E F#m E Their hearts would stay forever young A Like a crackerjack diamond A Well it's been five years since he gave her his prize A Now the sparkle's gone but not in their eyes D And he's been wantin to tell her what's been E A on his mind lately A He said girl I ain't rich but I've been savin up A A little everyday till I had enough D E A And before he could finish she said "You Know I will Baby" F#m Deep in the pocket of his holy jeans E Was some money for the picture and a diamond ring D He took her back to that old front porch E Slipped it on her finger and he thanked the lord A D Just like a crackerjack diamond A D E Never know when you're gonna find one A D E They found love from that day on A D The hand of fate brought them together A E F#m E Their hearts would stay forever young A Like a crackerjack diamond [Instrumental] A D E A D E D A Once a year she takes it out but it don't fit her hand D E She wears it in her heart that's where it all began A D Just like a crackerjack diamond A D E Never know when you're gonna find one A D E They found love from that day on A D The hand of fate brought them together A E F#m E Their hearts would stay forever young A D E A D E Like a crackerjack diamond A D E A D E A Like a Crackerjack diamond