Set me up a swing beneath that cinnamon tree
Give me half a breeze to push the scent
Fetch me up a telescope and fifteen yards of sturdy rope
And I'll tell you where that puppy dog has went

I bet she’s hit the railroad and she’s hopping cars
Bet she’s aboard a great ship, and she’s lost at sea
But she'll come bounding back again, as soon as she smells that cinnamon
And I'll bury her sweet bones beneath that tree

She was my three legged dog
She’s just a three legged dog
She was a three legged dog
And I'll bury her bones right beneath that cinnamon tree
I'll bury her bones right beneath that cinnamon tree

Momma seems to think she's gone for some kind of good
Poppa says shes six feet in the ground
But I know she's alright when I hear her howling in the moonlight
And its a wild and wonderful sound

Its not the body of the beast that holds its spirit
Its the spirit itself which I adore
Its her love and its her name
Not the confines of her frame that make me love her
Love her so much more

She was my three legged dog
She’s just a three legged dog
She was a three legged dog
And I'll bury her bones right beneath that cinnamon tree
I'll bury her bones right beneath that cinnamon tree