Grows the mist from gougane barra My steps are silent, my heart is heavy Water like a mirror of a restless sky Kings and knights, have passed from here Dirty and savage, noble and brave. Where is the dust That was theirs bones? Where are the voices Lost and gone? Scholars and saints Have walked here Searching for peace Between the wind and rain. Where is the memory Of their lonely thoughs? Where is the book That noone ever wrote? No one remembers the names anymore No one can read the stones. They just lay Dreaming of the sun Keeping poor memories Of hunger and pain. Water like a mirror of a restless sky Wind murmuring of forgotten days An old woman Used to bring the flowers But now she's gone Somewhere in the rain and now, The little graveyard Enjoys the deepest peace But for the rabbits That jump between the trees This is the country Where grass is always green When the rocks and men are Shaped by wind and waves. Sitting on the cliff You will feel the pain Standing like the stones Between wind and rain. Water like a mirror of a restless sky Wind murmuring of forgotten days.